MusicAeterna Orchestra of Perm Opera
Conductor Teodor Currentzis
Don Giovanni Dimitris Tiliakos
Leporello Vito Priante
Il Commendatore Mika Kares
Donna Anna Myrtò Papatanasiu
Don Ottavio Kenneth Tarver
Donna Elvira Karina Gauvin
Masetto Guido Loconsolo
Zerlina Christina Gansch
Track listing
1 Ouvertura
2 Notte e giorno faticar
3 Non sperar, se non m’uccidi
4 Ah, soccorso! Son tradito!
5 Ah! chi mi dice mai
6 Chi e la?
7 Madamina, il catalogo e questo
8 Don Ottavio, son morta!
9 Or sai chi l’onore
10 Come mai creder deggio
11 Dalla sua pace
12 Ah! taci, ingiusto core
13 Amico, che ti par?
14 Eccomi a voi!
15 Deh, vieni alla finestra
17 Non ci stanchiamo
18 Meta di voi qua vadano
19 Zitto! Lascia ch’io senta
20 Ahi! ahi! la testa mia!
21 Vedrai, carino
22 In quali eccessi, o numi
23 Mi tradi quell’alma ingrata
24 Gia la mensa e preparata
25 L’ultima prova dell’amor mio
26 Ah, Signor, per carita
27 Don Giovanni, a cenar teco
28 Da qual tremore insolito
29 Ah, dov’e il perfido?
30 Or che tutti, o mio tesoro … Resti dunque quel birbon
31 Questo e il fin di chi fa mal!
Don Giovanni is the final chapter in a 4-year project that Sony Classical has undertaken with Teodor Currentzis and Musicaeterna, his orchestra and choir, to create new no-compromise studio recordings of Mozart’s Da Ponte operas.
Speaking about the masterpiece that he left for last in recording the cycle, Currentzis said:
“With this work he broke the boundaries of the genre and when I try to find the next step forward from Don Giovanni, there is none. I feel that the next step in opera is probably Alban Berg’s Wozzeck. Mozart went in a direction that was very difficult to follow. He composed with such virtuosity of time, colour, orchestration, voices and ensembles that he was almost impossible to follow. There were other Dons before Mozart’s, the character was legendary. But Mozart’s Don Giovanni made the legend go viral, all the way to Rainer Maria Rilke; it inspired a period of great poetry and inspired the Romantics, not as a musical wave but as a literary and philosophical wave….This opera is our great inheritance, which is why all these philosophers and musicologists are still dealing with it.”
See also: The Recording of Don Giovanni