September 4th
“young people having fun with Beethoven […] let them have their show.”
“Teodor Currentzis and his orchestra MusicAeterna unfolded the rock’n’roll potential of the piece.”
“[E]ven moments of total boundlessness are worked into precision [by Currentzis]: the conductor knows, where and how the power of the music erupts, where it discharges with thunder and lightning. At the same time, he makes the “Szene am Bach” sound well-rounded and soft in its unbroken, dark beauty.”
September 4th
“The concert of the second and fifth Symphonies is dominated by a will to live, energy and passion”
“It has an electrifying effect, with the waves of energy jumping over to the audience”
September 4th
“the uncompromising radical approach of Currentzis is enthralling, it does not leave anybody cold“
July 31st
“What is remarkable is the playing itself – musicAeterna’s Beethoven may come across as rough-hewn, but their tuning is excellent”
“Lucky Salzburgers“ [for having the chance to experience his Beethoven cycle at the festival].